Wednesday 4 February 2009

Office Life

Those of us who spend our days stuck in an office, instead of - say - boating have a miserable time of it in the winter. Once the clocks go back in October we are condemned to travelling home from work in the dark and seeing the daylight only for a brief period in the mornings or at weekends. It can seem endless, but there are two landmarks that those who work fairly fixed hours can look forward to that point the way towards the end of winter and the approach of Spring.

The first of these is a day towards the end of January - usually a Friday - when the skies are clear - and when you finish work a bit earlier than usual. You step outside the office and immediately notice that the darkness you've endured for the last three months has been replaced by twilight. Its usually back to normal on the Monday because the skies have clouded over (or its snowing!) and you are back to your later finishing time but then, on a clear day in early February you leave work at your normal time and its still daylight!

In 2009, yesterday WAS THAT DAY!! - and not only that but (weather permitting) I'm off to Norbury Junction to see Starcross at the weekend too.

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