Monday, 17 January 2011

The Name Game

The Waterscape website is currently running a survey to help decide the name of the new charity or trust that will take over the running of the waterways from next year. Now you could say that it's how the new body actually goes about its business that's important, not what it's called; but names do matter and it's nice to be offered a say.
Personally, I'd prefer to keep "British Waterways" and as most boaters I know refer to the present body as either "BW" or "The Waterways" I'd like to keep either - or both - of these in the new title. But you can have your own say by following this link.


Adam said...

Not to mention that keeping the same name (and logo) would save having to spend a fortune on new signs etc.

Halfie said...

Thanks for this, Jim. I was pleased to see that my own thought for a title was one of the options displayed.

Anonymous said...

Something cutting-edge and cool, like "Aquaviae Britannica"?

No, maybe not....

Sarah said...

They've started as they mean to go on, by getting us to do it for free. Next, a competition to design the new logo?

WhatKathyDid said...

I agree - keep BW!