Friday 3 May 2013

Back home for an hour.

For a number of reasons, some my fault some not, I had to leave the boat in Marple yesterday and make a quick trip home. One thing I had to do is pick up a prescription that I hadn't ordered in time before coming away. My surgery insists on "two working days'" notice of repeat prescriptions and ordering on Friday to pick up Monday doesn't work. (They used to insist on "48 hours" notice then changed that to "48 working hours" until I pointed out that that was a whole working week plus overtime).
At least I could take the opportunity to exercise my democratic rights in the County Council elections, having also neglected to arrange a postal vote!
The trains there and back were perfect and there was  the chance in Manchester to have a look at the New Islington Marina's visitor moorings, which will do nicely whilst I waiting to tackle the Rochdale.

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