Saturday 16 August 2014

Musical Chairs at Marple

The two boats moored between me and the water point moved off after breakfast so I bow-hauled Areandare up to the end of the moorings, planning to go through the bridge and onto the water point when it was free.
I had a long wait. The trip boat from the Ring o' Bells pub had got there first and after filling its tanks proceeded to wait for its passengers who took an awfully long time arriving.
When they eventually arrived and the trip boat set off I pulled forward to get water myself and,  of course,  in the time it took me to do that all the spaces on the moorings filled up.
I'd been hoping that there might be a space on the 48hr moorings opposite the water point but the two boats that arrived yesterday showed no signs of moving on and the third space was filled by a boat that has been there for a week.
Instead I went on to the Peak Forest to look for a spot but it was too shallow for Areandare to get anywhere near the bank so I turned at the first winding hole and returned to Marple.
The trip boat had come back and was embarking passengers for its second trip, this time from the visitor moorings!
It looked about to leave so I pulled alongside the next boat down to wait for the spot. But my new neighbours had their eye on the trip boat's spot so they moved on to that and then I took their place.
The trip boat came back about 7pm and unloaded its passengers in the bridgehole, before reversing on to its own offside mooring outside the pub garden,  which it doesn't use for passengers probably because of the state of the landing and steps.
An hour and a half later who should come along but George on fuel boat Alton, to deliver some fuel to the trip boat before disappearing into the gloom. But that wasn't that end of it. Well after dark a boat "Tanya Louise" turned up,  tied alongside the trip boat (blocking the cut) for half an hour before setting off down the Macc in total darkness but displaying a very bright white light to the rear.

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