Wednesday, 16 March 2011

In the Dock

The dry dock, situated in what was lock 1 of the Newport branch at Norbury Junction

Starcross is in Norbury Wharf's dry dock for blacking - a protective coating applied to the hull of a canal boat every two years or so. Simon has had a look at it and says the hull is fine (unlike another boat yard that told me I'd need it grit-blasting at vastly more expense) but that the anodes need replacing (which doesn't surprise me) and there is a slight kink in the rudder (which does - but I might as well get it sorted out now).
Norbury Wharf has done the blacking before and I know they'll do a good job. They are also going to repair the remaining burst pipes from last winter's freeze so that we can have running h&c again, rather than relying on jerry cans!
It should all be finished by Sunday so next week I might even fit in a bit of boating!
Thanks, incidentally, to the 71 of you you clicked on the link to Rail for Herefordshire - that's boosted the stats no end!

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