Friday, 10 February 2012

First. . .and last?

I'm not aware that anyone else has posted one of these - at least not amongst the blogs I follow myself - so here is the first photo of a BW service vehicle carrying the new Canal & River Trust logo, seen yesterday at Tyrley Wharf on my way back from Market Drayton.
It may also be the last photo you see of this particular design because  a Welsh Nationalist mole in the sign shop has placed the Welsh name of the Trust above the English and according to the vehicle's driver this means they will have to be re-done because the English is supposed to take precedence!

Something for Andy Tidy to sort out when he is elected to the C&RT Council, perhaps?


Halfie said...

Maffi published a photo of a (purely English) CRT van a couple of days ago.

KevinTOO said...

Hi Jim,
Well done for your 'scoop' of the first official cock-up of CRT ! Eagle eyes or what? LOL

Sarah said...

Also, isn't the Shroppie being transferred to the midlands or something, so will no longer need Welsh?

An English Shepherd said...

Nice swan logo :-)