Although I'm happy to support the Canal and River Trust in its appeal for funding to repair the Trent & Mersey breach that doesn't mean I won't poke fun at them when the opportunity arises!
British Waterways was never renowned for the literacy of its communications and given that the Canal & River Trust employs basically the same staff it's no wonder it's no better.
We all make mistakes, but when you are producing notices for the public surely there should be a system of proof-reading. And don't the Trust's PCs have a spell-checker?
Here's a "Customer Notice" from the Trent & Mersey canal I saw recently:
Mind you, over-reliance on a spell-checker is presumably the reason for at least two errors in the licence renewal notice I've also received recently: A "you're" where what's meant is "your" and a reference to "licence disks" (At least they got "licence" right but I doubt I'd get very far trying to insert my licence disc into the disk drive on my computer!)
(Written, proof-read and spell-checked by Jim!)
Who are these 'customers' to whom the notice is addressed?
Plus they have overlooked - or deliberately ignored - the fact that using a windlass is not the alternative to allowing the paddles to drop. (sigh)
Damn. Not the ONLY alternative, I meant to write.
AND they've laminated the notice, then punched holes straight through it...
(it's OK, I'm just enjoying doing the captchas)
Sarah, there can only ever be two alternatives -- one thing or the other. If you want to refer to more than two choices, then it's options you're talking about!
You got there before I could, Adam.
I carnt se anyfing rong wiv it.
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