Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Promising News

T&M Breach at Dutton (CRT)
The Canal and River Trust has been very good at keeping boaters affected by the breach on the Trent & Mersey at Dutton and the near-collapse of the embankment at Croxton up-to-date with news of the repair. Many boaters have been sceptical about the announced "aspirational" re-opening dates of Christmas (Croxton) and Easter (Dutton) but in a recent post on the Trust's website the Project Manager, Paul Brown, is in upbeat mood and appears to be quite sure that Croxton will be open in early December, which is good news for Starcross, which excellent though its current unofficial mooring is proving to be, would really rather be "home" for Christmas.

You can follow this link to Paul Brown's post and should you wish to help the Trust pay for the repair work, albeit in a token way given the enormous cost, you can do so via this link.

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