Friday, 29 March 2013

Union Canal Day 4: Back to Base

We made a late start from Linlithgow today after a look around the town and it's ruined Palace, birthplace of Mary,  Queen of Scots.Kimberly is due back at base by 9.30 tomorrow so we had to come back down the Falkirk Wheel tonight.
The crew of the trip boat we shared the Wheel with wanted us to tie up alongside rather than to the mooring bollards on the chamber wall  but they didn't explain themselves very well, leading to a bit of confusion. ( Broad Falkirk accents didn't help!
With some time to spare we went half a mile or so down the Forth & Clyde Canal to Port Downie where all the space on the mooring pontoon was occupied although there were two bollards to tie to just outside the pub.
From here it's a short walk to Camelon station for me while the rest of the crew take Kimberly back to base.

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