Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Photos of the Falkirk Wheel

The Falkirk Wheel is a rotating boat lift that raises boats 24 metres from the Forth & Clyde Canal to the Union Canal, although boats passing from one to the other have to negotiate an initial lock out of the Forth & Clyde and a 2-rise staircase of 11 metres to reach the Union. It was opened in 2002 as part of the restoration of the two canals and replaces a flight of eleven locks that became derelict after the canals became disused in the 1930s.

Here are some photos from the my recent passage of the Wheel in the hire-boat Kimberley II. The better ones are from fellow crew-member, Martin.

The Wheel from the Forth & Clyde Canal

The Lower Basin with the Trip Boat waiting to ascend

The Wheel in Operation with the Trip Boat Going Up

The view during the ascent. The lower lock leads to the Forth & Clyde Canal

Kimberley II approaching the top of the Lift to descend

Kimberley II and the Trip Boat on the Lift
The mechanism: Don't ask me how it works!
Sharing the caisson with the trip boat at the top of the lift

and a final view of the top.


Ian and Karen said...

Great photos Jim.
Blue Skies too?
By the way Trent guide now received from our 'postman'. Thank you.

Louisette said...

Great system and design.
wonderfull fotos , greeting from Belgium.