Sunday, 21 April 2013

Up in the air

The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley - and mine are no exception.
I still hope to set off from Uplands Basin early this week, but I'm having difficulty raising a crew, Hillary is less certain about when she'll be working in Manchester and CRT has announced that the breach at Dutton is almost fixed and the Trent & Mersey will re-open on May 3rd, which means I won't have to go the long way round via the Cheshire locks and Macclesfield anyway.
Coupled to that a few more commitments at home have arisen that might make delaying the set off a good idea.
Also due to crew availability I've decided to reverse the direction of travel of my Trans-Pennine trip and go out over The Rochdale,  when Mark will be available to join me and come back over The Leeds & Liverpool where it's less important to raise a crew.
Oh, and the Trent trip is off too. Bernard and Kris have put their plans for this summer aboard Sunshine on hold after suddenly putting their house on the market.

And I t hought it would be easy when I retired

1 comment:

nb Carmel said...

A bit like you, my plans have rather gone to pot, too! With so much to do on the house (moved about 6 weeks ago, now) the proposed trip across the L&L has been curtailed, Carmel is now slowly wending her way up the Llangollen, so as to be closer to Ellesmere. That ay I can work on the house, and still have the occasional day or two on board. Hopefully in a few weeks, I'll be able to spend more time out. And now the T&M is nearly rady, maybe this year it'll just be the Cheshire ring . . . .