Saturday, 17 August 2013

An Unscheduled Visit to Fradley Junction

Hilary gets some occasional work undertaking ecological surveys for a firm of consultants. I suppose it's a form of zero-hours contract, in that they only employ her when they want to and it doesn't do to turn them down too often. So, when the call came for a couple of surveys  in Staffordshire I decided to go along for the ride. The surveys have to be done at "dusk" and "dawn" and the usual practice is to do them the same night, with a few hours off in-between. Accommodation is normally provided, but as we've just bought a new tent and hadn't had an opportunity to try it out, Tuesday evening saw us at a camp-site near Wood End on the Trent & Mersey. 
It turned out to be no more than a couple of miles from Fradley Junction, so after Hil had left for the "dusk" survey at 8 o'clock I took myself off for a walk. It took me 35 minutes or so to get there and I had a walk around the moorings to see if there were any boats I recognised; but there weren't, so I went over to the Swan and had a couple of pints of Holden's Bitter (in excellent nick and not too frothy, Sarah)

I've been a bit landlocked recently, for one reason or another, so it was good to reconnect with the cut.


Nev Wells said...

you missed Percy then, bobbing about just below Hunts lock !!


Sarah said...

Decent beer in the Swan? What, in a clean, dry glass and everything? Wonders will never cease.

Jim said...

Sarah, I have to say I couldn't fault it. I only tried one of the six beers though.