Over the last seven days I have been taking part in the quarterly survey of radio listening conducted by Ipsos Mori on behalf of RAJAR. I've had to record which stations I listened to, which "platform" (i.e. Digital, analogue or internet) and where I was listening (home, car or elsewhere).
Unfortunately it wasn't really a typical week (but then there aren't any "typical" weeks when you are retired) and I only managed 20½ hours of radio listening. Of that, 52% was Radio 4; 37% Radio 3; 6% Classic FM (There was Opera on Radio 3); 2.5% was Radio 2 (I was desperate) and 1.25% Radio Lancashire (really desperate). The remaining 1.25% was Radio 5 Live, which was the only DAB listening I did and then only because the medium wave reception I have is hopeless and I couldn't bear to miss Charlotte Green (sigh!) reading the football results on "Sports Report" on Saturday afternoon.
Apart from an hour on the boat on Wednesday afternoon all my listening was at home. I didn't go anywhere by car so didn't manage Radio Wales (which I can only get in the car).
In the same week I managed an hour-and-a-half of TV (3 x Ten o' Clock news) and two hours down the pub.
In the same week I managed an hour-and-a-half of TV (3 x Ten o' Clock news) and two hours down the pub.
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