Wednesday 20 June 2018

Finding Myself

About this time last year I was travelling from London to Oxford, by a series of local service buses naturally.  I changed buses in Henley-on-Thames and had time for a walk down to the river and back around the town during which time I spotted a Google Street View camera-car, which had obviously spotted me!

I realised it would take some time before any filming would be uploaded onto the Street View website and looked once-or-twice, but the images displayed were clearly from an earlier filming.  Today, however I had another look and yes, there I am!  As a matter of policy, Google blurs the faces of individuals who could otherwise be clearly identified to save the embarrassment of people being "caught" somewhere they shouldn't have been, but readers who have met me will have no doubt.

Street View stitches the images its cameras catch together in a curious way, as in my case. Look in one direction and I'm nowhere to be seen:

No sign of Jim - but note the white van
Look the other way and there he is!

Oh! and by the way - I had no reason to worry about being seen!

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